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After the Storm Donations

23 donations

Please fill out this form to register your team.

Each must be four (4) members.

If your team has less than four we will try to assign more to your team.

Online payment is via Paypal, you may also pay by cash or check on the day of the event.

If you are a team captain, please fill out below:

Your Name*

Street Address

City, State, Zip*

Phone Number*

How many are you paying for?*

Who are you paying for?*

Which payment option will you be using?*

Are you on a Team*

If yes, who is the Team Captain and do you have a name?

Name of Team

Do you require a shoe rental?*

List Team Members and Shoe sizes needed

Do you need more team members?

If yes, how many? (Teams must have 4 members)

Additional comments.

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